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Since 2015, Evergleams On Eighth has presented a museum-like exhibit at the Manitowoc Public Library. Represented are 3 manufacturing companies of the area, Aluminum Specialty (the Specialty), MIrro Aluminum (the Goods) and National Tinsel (the Tinsel Co.) who each employed hundreds, if not thousands of area graduates who often made this their career!

Each company has many unique products of aluminum, that are displayed during the holiday season, but 2 months just doesn’t seem like enough time to really appreciate all this area has offered the world!

With that in mind, Manitowoc Aluminum Kitschmas, Inc. was formed as a 501(c)3 non-profit, with the hope that someday these collections, now dotted around the county, can be combined in a permanent museum space for all to enjoy…any day of the year!

If you’d like to help us achieve this goal, you can either donate to our cause with a one time donation, OR go all in and become a full-fledged member!
